Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It's been TOO long...6 months of updates in a MILLION pictures!

It's been a LONG time since I last updated our blog about our family and a lot has happened and changed, as is what happens with little kids.
Let's see...

1.  Christmas and New Years was great!  We got to see everyone on both sides of the family!  
Sierra is just over 2 and Peyton is 5 months!

2. My brother and family came and stayed with us for a week and we had a blast! Spending time with both my mom and dad.
Jackobe 6
Paige 4
Blake 3
Sierra 2
Amelia 1
Peyton 5 months

The daddy's!


After Christmas and New Years was over we entered into the slower season at the Bike Shop so we began the planning stages of a remodel and did the remodel at the end of February.  In that time I also met with Matt Molinari to teach me how to run the website and have been working on it ever since, learning new stuff about web design every time I work on the site.  I have found this to be awesome for me because I can do it on my own time and at my own pace which is great with kids and being home!





The remodel was fun and HARD WORK but we are so glad it's done and it looks nice.  

3. Onto Easter:
We spent Easter in the Bay Area.  First we went to our beloved church in Petaluma, New Life Christian Fellowship.  We saw many of our wonderful friends and got to spend time with the Milazzo's later that evening.  We spent the middle of the day with my Dad, Kateri, Aunt Pam, Uncle Dan, and Cousin Kyle, Cousin Tiffin, Travis, Kylie and Sydney.  The girls had a little Easter Egg Hunt and we enjoyed a wonderful meal!
Kylie 4 (turned 4 on Easter)
Sierra 2 & 5 months
Sydney 2 (turned 2 on St. Patrick's day)
Peyton 8 months

4.  Jeff:
We have now entered into the busy season so Jeff works a lot and hard for our family.  He does a great job providing and he LOVES his job.  He really is a good fit at the bike shop and is very happy.  We still don't know yet if we would be taking it over for good or if we are just going to work on managing it more and letting Bob get out more.  He started up a Mountain Bike Race team that races every Wednesday night down near Sacramento.  He also started a partnership program with Big Brothers Big Sisters to put "Littles" and "Bigs" on bike rides.  He has collected a whole storage unit of bikes for the program and works at fixing them so the people can go on bike rides.  It's a really cool program and he is VERY busy, but he's happy.  He's an amazing father as well and just loves the girls so much!  We have been taking them out more on bike rides in the burley trailer that we pull behind the bike and they love it.  He really is the best father I have ever met!
I have been working hard at being a stay-at-home mom, which doesn't really say "hard work" but it is.  I've gotten really involved with the bike shop helping them out where ever needed, when I can.  As mentioned before, I am running the website and loving it!  I also am starting up a Beginner's Bike Riding group that will have a weekly or bi-monthly ride and our first one is next week!  I have been working out 3 days a week with a group of moms that I met at MOPS and trying to get out and run or bike whenever I can.  It's getting easier the older Peyton gets and the warmer and lighter it is outside.  I also got more involved in MOPS and absolutely LOVE it!  The people I have met are amazing.  I am thinking about leadership next year and we will just have to see.  I am also doing Weight Watchers and have lost 43 lbs. so far and have many more to go, but I am trucking along.
Sierra is almost 2 1/2 now but it feels like she is 4!  She is sharp and athletic and full of life.  She loves her little sister so much and is a very sweet big sister.  She is learning her letters and more complex shapes like octagons and hexagons and she adds about 10 words to her vocabulary every day.  They are such sponges at this age and soak up everything!  She also has learned to go pee-pee in the potty but we are still working on poop.  She is super tall for her age and is wearing 3T clothes and some 4T.  She measured in 100% in her height at her 2 year old appointment and has had another growth spurt since then.  She recently acquired one of her back molars but still has 3 to go...not looking forward to that.  She turns 2 1/2 in May and it just seems surreal!
Peyton turned 9 months yesterday and lives up to her name "Peyton JOY" all day, every day.  She is a bundle of happiness 24/7.  Peyton still doesn't have any teeth, which I am personally ok with (ouch!) so she sports the most adorable gummy smile of all children on the planet (but I am biased).  She can repeat sounds that we say now but hasn't assigned any of those babbles to objects yet.  For example, she can say "Dada" but doesn't call Jeff "Dada" yet.  Although, she is a little Daddy and Papa's girl.  She just lights up when she sees them and it's so cute to watch their interactions.  Papa, Bob Molinari, is just smitten with her.  Just like Sierra has a special relationship with my mom and dad for taking care of her while I worked for 2 years, I think Peyton will have that with her Papa.  :)  She started rolling around everywhere at about 5-6 months, right after she started sitting up on her own (about 7 months), and now, at 8 months is army crawling everywhere!  She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth and then drops to her tummy and army crawls.  She just LOVES to watch her big sister do just about anything and will forever idolize her, probably.  Her hair is out of control long!  It's already down passed her shoulders and I have to clip it back or put it into a pony tail to keep it out of her eyes.  Yes, I said pony tail, at 9 months she can sport a pony tail!  
The girls:
They are both so different looking!  Sierra has SUPER white skin and very curly strawberry/red blonde hair and a thicker build.  Whereas, Peyton is about 4-5 shades skin tone darker with long straight brown hair.  They both have the same beautiful blue eyes and are just as cute as can be to me!  Of course.  Peyton is more petite in build.  Again, at her 6 month appointment Peyton, like her sister was in the 90%-100% in height, but unlike her sister who weighs in in the 90% for weight, Peyton is more around the 50%.  She is tall and skinny.  Clothes that Sierra grew out of at 6 months, Peyton at 9 months can still wear.  Crazy!  But they are both my little gems and I am filled with more love every single day for them!  Motherhood is truly all it is cracked up to be, just simply AMAZING!

Sierra LOVES to run.  Here she is running the bridge.  She runs about 1 1/2 miles before she get's tired and needs to get in the stroller. 

She is also obsessed with stop signs, "Octagons" as she calls them, insists on stopping every time we are on a walk at them.  

The girls LOVE going for rides in the burley trail and we did our first Family Fun Bike Ride on Sunday, the first of many with the shop!

Jeff, pulling the trailer with the girls, on the ride.

Well I think that's enough.  This is the longest blog in the history of blogs because there's a million pics!  Until next time...God Bless.

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